what is a Mamoosh?

Chloe & Eagan have given me the cutest mommy nickname... it's a cross between mommy & woosh = Mamoosh

Sunday, September 19, 2010

tired, sick, exhausted

do u ever feel like this?
this is my week apparently...
as a mother i anticipated this as an underlying always in life to come with kids, however, i underestimated the amount of time i would actually feel this way.
beyond the "stop it" and the "stop hitting your brother/sister" ....
let there be an energy spring inside me, bubbling over, unable to contain....
is that possible?

loving my life ... one moment at a time
and wondering if solitude, quiet, or energy ever restore?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sassy,

    Just wanted to say that you are NOT alone! I feel that way all the time, and sometimes it's a struggle to even just do the next thing. Hang in there, and keep looking for the positive until you find it!

    I'm planning a new launch of my own blog, and was planning on using the tagline "Loving my life, one moment at a time". I googled it, and came across your post here. Would you be alright with me still using that tagline? I don't want to offend, and you did have it here before I came up with it. Let me know if it bothers you. Thanks!
